Tag Archives: Christmas

Farewell 2024

December races by doesn’t it? Hardly seems like yesterday when Christmas and the end of the year was weeks away and yet here we are. Christmas is over for another year and 2025 is nearly here.

I went ‘up country’ for my annual Christmas visit. Storm Darragh did delay my journey by 24 hours. Better to be safe. It was tremendously windy here and trees and branches down left right and centre closing roads and cutting off power. Unfortunately Mum had the flu and for the first few days was in bed and then in the house for the rest of my trip. We had time together and watched some Christmas films. Luckily she is feeling much better and was up and about properly to enjoy her Christmas.

I spent time with friends and family – dinner with my brothers and their families (those that were available), lunch with Anni, drink with Rach, dinner with Lisa, Becky & Ali, dinner with Hils, George, Maria, Ian, Laurel & Rachael and another visit to Blenheim Palace with Maria. This seems likely to become an annual visit. The theme for this year was Neverland – the palace was decked out in scenes from Peter Pan. Yet again a stunning installation. We did think that the Illuminated Trail would be the same as last year but were pleasantly surprised that, although it had some elements the same, most of it was changed and had a completely different feel. Again we were lucky with the weather. Although it was raining when we were shopping around the Christmas huts, by the time it came for us to do the trail it had stopped.

I also went to visit my friend Philippa in her care home. It took a bit longer than my last visit but I had a glimpse of Phil and I think she had a flash of who I was. I left her with a festive magnetic brooch of a Christmas tree. Phil likes sparkly things, it is magnetic so no pin and also good for those who like to twiddle – pulling the magnet open and closed.

We had some lovely family news. My niece, Claudia and her fiancé Dom, are expecting a baby girl in May. This will be my brother’s first grandchild. It made me chuckle that he will be a Grandad. Mum pointed out that I will be a Great Aunt. No Mum, I’ll be a Fantastic Aunt (well I am already of course). Great Aunt sounds old – Fantastic Aunt sounds so much better! Looking forward to knitting up some baby stuff – it’ll be quicker than adult sized items. Congratulations to them both.

Claudia & Dom

Neil’s daughter Nicole and her partner Simon visited the weekend before Christmas. It was good to catch up with them and lucky that Nicole still has ties that bring her to Cornwall regularly. I can’t see when Neil would fancy a trip to London; too much traffic, too many people, too much ….

Neil and I had a quiet Christmas Day/Boxing Day. Just the two of us. We were so lucky with the gifts we received from friends & family. We spread the opening of them across the day, had a walk along the sea front at lunchtime in the grey weather and ate our Christmas Dinner at 5.30pm. I did at one point feel as though I ‘hadn’t made the effort’. I didn’t wear anything special and no make-up. Instead of spending a huge amount of time preparing a roast dinner I had a COOK ready to go Christmas Dinner for Two delivered frozen and a time plan to follow to eat at 5.30pm, which I followed to the letter. However, I was relaxed, enjoying the day being chilled, not stressing about dinner timings and preparing too much food. I think I nailed it.

Saw a meme on Facebook which sums up New Years Eve for us “Wow, the year is almost over. I still don’t know what I’m wearing to the living room sofa for New Year’s Eve. I may not even go.”

However you are celebrating, or not, New Year, may it be peaceful and full of joy. See you in 2025.