Tag Archives: tiki38

In Other News

Exciting other news. Andrea & Michael the new owners have Gleda have successfully crossed the Atlantic and arrived in Tobago.

I know Neil has mixed emotions but I have been at pains to point out he should be proud. The boat he built on his own from scratch in a draughty barn in the middle of the UK is the ocean sailing boat he wanted her to be and that is now proven.

This is not to take anything away from Andrea & Michael on their achievement or the amendments they have made to Gleda, what they have done is brilliant.

Whilst it is something Neil was hoping to do, he did want Gleda to sail oceans and she has and will continue to do so. Neil will also make reference that his success was due to the simplicity and genius of the plans and design from James Wharram and Hanneke Boon for the build of a Tiki38.

PS: Interview with Hanneke is this month’s Practical Boat Owner (PBO).