originally published on www.thegledaproject.com on 20th Apr 2014
My friends will know that I’ve never contemplated living on a boat or any kind of small space as a way of life. But then neither have I said that I don’t want to. It is clear that The Gleda Project is Neil’s dream. Not just of the build itself but of the change of lifestyle that moving on board will bring.
That said, I don’t have a dream therefore I’m not giving up on my own dreams and aspirations or putting them in 2nd place to join Neil in his. I’m over the moon that Neil wants to share his dream with me.
This ‘not having a dream’ seems to be unusual. My friends at Forever Living and Neil himself, seem to find it strange that I don’t have that dream/aspiration. Lots of self-help and motivational material starts with ‘what is it that you really want?’ I just don’t know – superficially I’d like to be thinner, a real blonde and be able to raise just one eyebrow. I’ve listened to some fantastic stories on what motivated those on their ‘Forever’ journey and they are successful and willing to share that with others. I have noticed that a lot of these are ‘for the future of their children’. I did wonder if that was it. As I don’t have children, do I not have the same motivation to achieve. But achieve what exactly.
After some thought, I realised I am in a comfortable; comfortable but happy and contented place. I am happy with my lot and not been disappointed by not achieving a dream/aspiration. I used to think that more money was my motivator, but not enough to motivate me to work harder at my Forever, Pampered Chef, Avon businesses where I know there is money to be made if you work at it.
Over the last couple of years I have realised that money is not what I want to strive to achieve. Yes, I’d like to be comfortable and not have to worry about where the money for the next rent or bill payment is coming from but also I know that more money does not equate more happiness. I haven’t owned a property since my early 20’s (not that I owned it then, the bank did) and although I like stability, having a mortgage on another property has not been on my list of wants for many years now.
However there is no way I’m sitting back in my contented happy place and letting this opportunity of sharing Neil’s dream pass me by. I can see that there are great experiences to be had and who knows, it may turn out to be that it is the dream/aspiration that I don’t know I have or maybe I’ll find it on the journey that we take. At worst I anticipate remaining happy and contented with my lot – doesn’t sound too bad.