So why haven’t I blogged for 3 months. Yup unbelievably, to me at least, it is 3 months.
I can honestly say I don’t really know. I have been writing posts in my head but not getting them out. I do have a draft one ready about wildlife but need to remind Neil, at a time when he has email access, that he has the photos to send me to complete it. This draft has been ready for over a month.
It has been a strange time. A time I am now looking back on thinking I should of done more with. I could of walked more (we are in a beautiful place), I could of written more (ref lack of posts), I could of made more crafts (as I’m thinking of an Etsy store). However, I’m not feeling regretful in a negative way more just a “ho-hum” could of used the time better way.
My job hunting hasn’t been successful and maybe that is part of how I feel, although not the reason for no posts. Up until the end of June 2014 I had always been in full time permanent employment and been busy. From June up until we brought the boat to the marina in October was like a holiday with getting the boat ready to sail, sailing and enjoying the summer. From October however with the shorter days, grim weather and the lack of focus of a job I feel I have drifted through the last 6 months. I don’t mean to say that I need a job to “define” me. What I probably need is to some structure and to pull myself together and do the things I tell myself I want to do. In my head I have had some lovely walks, swum a lot, got fit, made a stash for my Etsy shop. I have always had an imagination.
Reading back over what I have written above. Some excuses of why I didn’t post come to mind; 1) dodgy internet (not true as I have had 3g whole time)
2) I like to type on a regular keyboard and didn’t have access on my laptop (I bought a QWERTY keyboard for my iPad specifically for this reason)
3) No one is interested in what I have to say (didn’t stop me before).
It would seem to be, however, that the lack of posts, walking, swimming, crafting is laziness. It is much easier not to do these things than to do them. Don’t think that I have sat for 6 months doing absolutely nothing. Some of my imagined posts are on ‘Frustrations of Job Hunting’, ‘Why is Everything Always Wet’, ‘I Hate Condensation’, ‘Which is the Best Cloth to Soak up Water’ – these give an indication of some of what I have been up to.
Luckily for our trip, Neil has been busier. He has built a self-steering system, converted the deck-pod into a bunk/useable space and made the boat ready to sail again amongst other numerous small, but essential, tasks. More detail on what he has been up to on his blog
My Mum is coming to visit over Easter which is great but actually fell at a time when we should be leaving the marina. As Neil brought the boat in on 16th October he thought we had until 16th April before we had to leave. Turns out that the “winter package” finishes on 31st March regardless of when you come in to the marina. Therefore, we have had to pay for some additional nights at summer rates during Mum’s visit. An added unforeseen expense also on top of a new iPad screen (don’t know how it got broke). However, looking forward to Mum seeing the boat now it is on the water and showing her parts of Cornwall she has not seen before. When we had our “launch party” back in May ’14, Gleda was still on the hard in Weir Quay Boatyard and none of my family and friends who came down then have actually seen her floating (except for Maria, Ian and girls who we saw in August).
Look out for more frequent posts. Typical now that my connection is not likely to be as consistent but there you go.